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Autor Tema: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny  (Posjeta: 22414 )

0 Članova i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.

Offline DonQuijote

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #15 : 16-08-2010, 21:14:18 »
Staviti ovu tršlju u ovu posudu bi bilo fenomenalno. 
Spram tih posuda sam skeptičan ali kada de pogodi, kao što je Andrija pogodio, onda su bolje od bilo čega drugog, kada se poklopi jedan takav sklad, onda ne postoji niti jedna posuda koja bi mogla biti bolja kombinacija s drvom. Jedino što je to teško postiči.

Offline Marija

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #16 : 16-08-2010, 22:32:52 »
Staviti ovu tršlju u ovu posudu bi bilo fenomenalno.  
Spram tih posuda sam skeptičan ali kada de pogodi, kao što je Andrija pogodio, onda su bolje od bilo čega drugog, kada se poklopi jedan takav sklad, onda ne postoji niti jedna posuda koja bi mogla biti bolja kombinacija s drvom. Jedino što je to teško postiči.

Posude su super ali treba biti svjestan da ne ide svako stablo u njih, treba baš pogoditi karakter stabla kojemu paše takva tekstura posude.
Ovo što je WP napravio sa arišom je prava "drama"!!!  :haaaahaaaaa:
Pozdrav, Marija | Meleda Bonsai

Offline Andrija Zokić

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #17 : 16-08-2010, 22:57:45 »
Priča sa ovim posudama je duboko vjerujem i nadam se, samo početak avanture. Pogledajte samo reference momka koji ih izrađuje. Kada sam prvi put vidio njegovu posudu odmah mi je bilo jasno da nije riječ o laiku:

Mateusz Grobelny
2010.04 Soda firing in contemporary Ceramics taught by Pietro Maddalena
2010.01.23 Individual exhibition of ceramic sculpture "The structures according to the flesh" in the gallery "Long" BOK-International Center for Ceramics in Bolesławiec
2010.01.05-01.18 Participation in the Symposium Nordic Network Keramik Studio Exchange 2010 in Denmark.
2009.10.02 International sculpture triennial “crisis of the genre” Poznań - “Castle” Culture Centre
2009.08 Exhibition entitled “Aquarium of fire” - wood-fired open air ceramics kiln during the Ceramics Days in Bolesławiec, organized by Cultural Centre in Bolesławiec

2009.06 GAR opening your own business with the support of the European Fund for "Human Capital"
2009.03 Qualification for copyright Project "GAR" Program Funds of the European "Human Capital"
2008.10.10-10.20Ceramic Symposium at the Center for Korean Polish outdoor Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts in Luboradowie organized in collaboration with:
Michael Puszczyński ASP Wrocław
Academy of Fine Arts Ceramics Department Wrocław
2008.08.30 Exhibition of the experimental, open air gas-fired ceramics kiln with the reversed current,
organized by Touristic, Sport and Educational Centre in Krosnice.
2008.08.21-08.24 Exhibition entitled “Aquarium of fire” - wood-fired open air ceramics kiln during the Ceramics Days in Boleslawiec, organized by Cultural Centre in Boleslawiec
2008.06.07-06.08 Exhibition of the wood-fired kiln “Aquarium of fire” during the High Temperatures Festival, Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2008.05.30-05.31 Exhibition “Aquarium of fire” - open air ceramics kiln, wood-fired, organized by Touristic, Sport and Educational Centre in Krosnice
2008.05.19-05.22 Construction of the open air coal-fired kiln during the “Aquarium of fire” event in the Academy of Art in Wroclaw Lubardow department
2008.05.12-05.15 Exerimental construction of ceramics kiln types: “Ground” event in the Academy of Art in Wroclaw Lubardow department
2008.05.05-05.07 Exerimental construction of ceramics kiln types: “Roman” event in the Academy of Art in Wroclaw Lubardow department
2008.04.28-04.30 Exerimental construction of ceramics kiln types: “Salt” event in the Academy of Art in Wroclaw Lubardow department
2008.04.11-04.21 Student's Open Air event “SPEC” ceramics making in a kiln type: Tongkama in the Open Air centre of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw, Lubardow department, organized in partnership with the Academy of Art in Wroclaw: Ceramics Faculty
2008.03.10-05.07 Practices in Ceramics Factory “Chodziez” in Chodziez, organized in partnership with prof. Jan Drzewiecki of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2007.11.23-12.19 Exhibition entitled “Fire of Art” BWA Design Wroclaw Gallery
2007.09.28-11.12 Ceramics workshop in open air centre of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw, Lubardow department, organized in partnership with: Michał Puszcyński Academy of Art in Wroclaw:
Ceramics Faculty and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage: Promotion department
2007.08.23-08.25 Exhibition entitled “Aquarium of fire” - wood-fired open air ceramics kiln during the Ceramics Days in Boleslawiec, organized by Cultural Centre in Boleslawiec
2007.06.30-07.29 Practices in Ceramics Factory “Chodziez” in Chodziez, organized in partnership with prof. Jan Drzewiecki of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2007.06.22-07.31 Exhibition entitled “Signed with Fire” in the Muzeum on the Szamotuly Castle
2007.06.09 Exhibition of the wood-fired kiln “Aquarium of fire” for the High Temperature Festival
organized by the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2006.07.07-07.21 Open air ceramics event and the construction of kiln type: Tongkama in the Open Air Centre of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw, Lubardow department, organized in partnership with
Michał Puszczyński Academy of Art: Ceramics Faculty in Wroclaw
2006.06.26 Exhibtion of the making of ceramics with the “Raku” technique on the Lesnica Castle
2006.06.19-07.06 Practices in Ceramics Factory “Chodziez” in Chodziez, organized in partnership with prof. Jan Drzewiecki of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2006. 06.26 „Day of the kilns” - knowledge of untypical techniques of creating ceramics and building of open-air kilns – event organized by the Faculty of Ceramics of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2006.04.11-05.11 Individual drawings and graphics exhibition entitled “Hard thoughts” in the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2005.12.02 Construction of the experimental project of a ceramics kiln type: “Raku” in Paczkow
2005.09.19-10.03 Open air Sculpture and Ceramics event in Łeba organized in partnership with prof. Christos Mandzios of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw and City Council of Łeba
2005.08.15-09.05 Open air ceramics event in Belchatow: construction of ceramics kiln of my own design, organized in partnership with Students of the Ceramics Faculty of the Academy of Art
and with Commune Cultural Centre in Belchatow
2005.07.21-07.31 Open air ceramics and the „Ceramidla III” in Bieszczady Mountains and building of the wood-fired ceramics kiln type: „bory-box” in Czerna. Event organized in partnership with „Besida” Bożena Sacharczuk i Tomasz Niedziółka – ASP in Wroclaw – Bieszczady Mountains Social Initiatives Organization, Commune Cultural Centre and the City Council in Czerna
2005.06.26-07.09 Participation in the construction of kiln Totangama in Michał Puszczyński's workshop in Czestochowa
2005.06.14 „Day of the kilns” - knowledge of untypical techniques of creating ceramics and building of open-air kilns – event organized by the Faculty of Ceramics of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2005.04.12-04.18 Construction of the experimental project III of a wood-fired ceramics kiln in Paczków
2004.10.08-10.14 Construction of the experimental project II of a wood-fired ceramics kiln in Paczków.
2004.10.29 Open air photography exhibition and presentation of individual achievements of students “Garden of Art” in the Museum of Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2004.08.10-08.19 Construction of the experimental project I of a wood-fired ceramics kiln in Paczków.
2004.07.24-08.08 Open air ceramics and the „Ceramidla II” in Bieszczady Mountains and building of the wood-fired ceramics kiln type: „bory-box” in Czerna. Event organized in partnership with „Besida” Bożena Sacharczuk i Tomasz Niedziółka – ASP in Wroclaw – Bieszczady Mountains Social Initiatives Organization, Commune Cultural Centre and the City Council in Czerna
2004.04.11 „Day of the kilns” - knowledge of untypical techniques of creating ceramics and building of open-air kilns – event organized by the Faculty of Ceramics of the Academy of Art in Wroclaw
2003.10.01 Commenced university studies in Academy of Art in Wroclaw: specialty: Ceramics and Glasses
2002.06.24 My own theatrical collection fashion show „Gipiur's war” during presentations at the end of the course in the School of Designing and Stylization of Clothing „MUR” in Wroclaw – obtained diploma: Clothing technician: designing and stylist
2000.10.02 Commenced learning in the School of Designing and Stylization of Clothing „MUR” in Wrocław ~ andbonsai studio

Offline Andrija Zokić

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #18 : 17-08-2010, 00:36:02 »
Ovo što je WP napravio sa arišom je prava "drama"!!!  :haaaahaaaaa:

Mauro se z*****o  :sarcastic: ~ andbonsai studio

Offline Memy

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #19 : 17-08-2010, 08:51:43 »
Citat: Marija
Nije mi jasan razlog, ali te najljepše molim da koristiš jedan identitet.

Forgot my password.  :tup:

Citat: Marija
Inače, hvala ti što si toliko zabrinut za naš rad.  :chinaman:

You're welcome.  :jezik:

Offline Bruno

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #20 : 20-08-2010, 15:38:41 »
svako ima pravo na svoje mišljenje,al ovaj skriveni je dobro ljubomoran na pallov rad

Offline Bocko

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  • bocko.Shohin.bonsai
Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #21 : 20-08-2010, 15:55:32 »
svako ima pravo na svoje mišljenje,al ovaj skriveni je dobro ljubomoran na pallov rad
ma taj puca od zavisti koliko je poruka napisao.
When I grow up they will be a day when everybody have to do what I say!!!!!

Offline Andrija Zokić

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #22 : 21-08-2010, 09:26:00 »
Ove posude svojom pojavom vrijeđaju mnoge tradicionaliste, iako zbog toga nisu napravljene: ~ andbonsai studio

Offline Bruno

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #23 : 21-08-2010, 19:34:47 »
Kao da ju je sam H.R.Giger nacrtao!

Offline Marija

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #24 : 21-08-2010, 19:42:07 »
a evo i Kimurine već legendarne šumice u vrlo naturalističkom aranžmanu

* slike uzete s linka:
Pozdrav, Marija | Meleda Bonsai

Offline DonQuijote

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #25 : 23-08-2010, 16:21:23 »
Staviti ovu tršlju u ovu posudu bi bilo fenomenalno.  
Spram tih posuda sam skeptičan ali kada de pogodi, kao što je Andrija pogodio, onda su bolje od bilo čega drugog, kada se poklopi jedan takav sklad, onda ne postoji niti jedna posuda koja bi mogla biti bolja kombinacija s drvom. Jedino što je to teško postiči.

Posude su super ali treba biti svjestan da ne ide svako stablo u njih, treba baš pogoditi karakter stabla kojemu paše takva tekstura posude.
Ovo što je WP napravio sa arišom je prava "drama"!!!  :haaaahaaaaa:
Znaš, meni se više dopada vaša tršlja u virtualu nego ovo Walterovo. Ta tršlja u toj posudi, to mi je baš leglo, to mi je blizu savršenog sklada. Kod ariša mi nešto smeta, nisam siguran što, ali nešto me bode i ne dopada mi se previše.
 Ovo već da, to mi je odlično

Offline Marija

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #26 : 23-08-2010, 16:48:48 »
Znaš, meni se više dopada vaša tršlja u virtualu nego ovo Walterovo. Ta tršlja u toj posudi, to mi je baš leglo, to mi je blizu savršenog sklada. Kod ariša mi nešto smeta, nisam siguran što, ali nešto me bode i ne dopada mi se previše

uf ... jedva je čekam ariš vidjeti uživo (još par dana  :tlab:) .... ipak je to nešto skroz drukčije od doživljaja slike ...
Pozdrav, Marija | Meleda Bonsai

Offline Marija

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #27 : 23-08-2010, 21:45:00 »
Ovo je isto fantastična transformacija, stablo se preporodilo u aviceninoj posudi  :mdr:

*zadnje dvije slike su odavde:
Pozdrav, Marija | Meleda Bonsai

Offline DonQuijote

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #28 : 23-08-2010, 22:18:35 »
To mi je jedan od ponajboljih primjera kako drvo s kojima neki ne znaju što bi može izgledati fenomenalno kada se  "Posadi" na pravi način. Savršeno lijepa i skladna  kompozicija

Offline Marija

Odg: Posude by: Matheusz Grobelny
« Odgovori #29 : 23-08-2010, 23:18:53 »
To mi je jedan od ponajboljih primjera kako drvo s kojima neki ne znaju što bi može izgledati fenomenalno kada se  "Posadi" na pravi način. Savršeno lijepa i skladna  kompozicija

zaista treba znat ubost posudu, jednostavno treba imat filing, detalji igraju .... i sve mijenjaju
Pozdrav, Marija | Meleda Bonsai